Student Resources

Student Resources

Information Technology Services provides a variety of services to support HPU students. Assistance is provided in the following areas:

  • Credentials for access to HPU resources such as campus labs, Blackboard, email, HPU Gateway, etc.
  • Accessing the HPU wireless network from personal devices.
  • Virus and spyware removal.
  • Information on discounted software and hardware.

Accessing HPU Systems

The following account information pertains to credentials used to log on to HPU Gateway, campus computers, email, and the Blackboard system.

HPU Network Account Claim (

Welcome to HPU! New students must claim their HPU account in order to gain access to HPU Gateway, University email, Office 365 for Education, campus computers, wireless access for personal devices, the Blackboard Learn system, and Atomic Learning. The process is quick and easy, and will only need to be completed once.

An email will be sent to the personal email address of newly admitted students once accounts have been created. This email provides details related to the account claim process, as well as contact information for assistance from IT Services. Once the student has set their secure password, it will provide access to all campus systems.

myGateway (

myGateway is the single virtual gateway to all student resources and systems. Students can log in here to access current course schedules, grades, unofficial transcripts, and degree audit information. You can also review your bill, financial aid package information, as well as payment plan setup.

The following are also available via widgets on the student myGateway dashboard.

Office 365 E-mail

The University provides an email account for your use at HPU. This account is good from the first day of enrollment until you graduate. The address is You must check this email account, as it is the official communication path from us to you.

NOTE: Any mass communication from IT Services will come directly from one of the members of our staff. Never give out usernames, password, credit card numbers, bank account information, or any other important personal pieces of information through email.


Blackboard is an Internet based learning management solution used by many instructors to offer additional classroom resources. Depending on the course, these additional features may include lecture notes, course syllabi, schedules, handouts, class discussions, and quizzes.

Using Your Computer On Campus

Computer name – We ask that on campus residents ensure their computer is named with first name and last name, as in johndoe. In the event of duplicate names, add a numeric suffix to make it unique. This naming scheme will help us identify your system and quickly contact you if needed. This is required by University Policy and your access to the network will be blocked if you fail to comply. Instructions can be found on the IT Services Helpdesk website.

Antivirus – You must have antivirus software with a current subscription to virus definitions. Windows Defender, which is built in to Windows, is sufficient, but third-party antivirus products are also acceptable.

Wireless network – HPU has wireless access in the residence halls, apartments, and other areas on campus. If you are purchasing a laptop or tablet, please be sure it has WPA2‐Enterprise capability. Authentication will be required to access the campus wireless using your HPU user credentials. Please check the IT Services site in myGateway (Resources -> IT Services -> Student Resources) for setup instructions for your specific operating system. You may also bring your device to the IT Services offices and we will help you with the configuration.

NOTE: We ask that you NOT bring wireless access points or routers to school with you. We also ask that you do not bring wireless printers or that you disable the wireless feature on these devices once you arrive.

Peer-to-Peer software – Software such as BitTorrent, Limewire, KaZaa, eDonkey, Morpheus, etc, designed for file sharing over the internet are blocked. We cannot allow such content on our network due to the severity of security issues peer-to-peer applications present.

Discounts on Hardware and Software

Hardware DiscountsHardware discounts are available from Dell for HPU students. Other retailers may also provide discounts for students so be sure to check their site when shopping for computer equipment. Visit the IT Services Help Desk website for more information.

Software Discounts – Microsoft Office is available to all enrolled students free of charge via the Microsoft Student Advantage program. Visit myGateway for details. Other software is available at discounted prices here: Scholarbuys.